A writing workshop, sushi and a Cape mongoose
Over the past few weeks I have been under the weather and not up to posting a new piece of writing or a writing prompt.
‘Under the weather’ is an interesting term. An internet search reveals that the most popular theory for the origin of the term comes from a maritime world : ‘When a sailor became ill or seasick, often because of violent weather conditions, that sailor was sent below decks to the most stable part of the ship, which was under the weather rail. The phrase “under the weather rail” was shortened to the idiom “under the weather.”’ (https://grammarist.com/idiom/under-the-weather/)
Feedback that I often give to poets and writers is to be more specific and not to use everyday and common phrases, and to rather dig deeper and say what you really mean. So here goes….
Truthfully I was more than ‘under the weather’, I was in bad weather and at times I was the bad weather. I felt I was in thick fog navigating myself from bed to bathroom and then to the kitchen to make hot tea and then back to bed. There was also fog in my head, making me hoarse and my voice thick with phlegm. At night I was either an icy wind shivering under my duvet or a hot tropical breeze, restless and sweaty. Thunder crashed behind my eyes and between my ears. Today, for the first time in two weeks, I woke up without a headache.
There have been a few highlights this week: I ran a flash fiction workshop on Saturday. The participants forgave my phlegmy voice! I loved the workshop and so did the writers. I am looking forward to seeing the final pieces they send to me for inclusion in the 2025 flash anthology.
I also went out for a delicious sushi supper with a friend. Mmmmmm such great tastes and mouth feels. I did go home and crash into bed afterwards, but the evening out was worth it.
And I saw a Cape mongoose scurrying into the bushes at Kirstenbosch Gardens. Just the tail end of her. It is always a delight to see wild life and to be reminded about a bigger world.
And now for a change in topic: I currently have capacity to take on more editing clients. I am very keen to work with writers who are developing their poetic voice in a written format. I am also keen to work with writers on prose writing, in particular flash (either fiction or non-fiction). If you are putting together a collection of poetry or flash, or want feedback on individual pieces of writing then please contact me to discuss next steps.